Monthly Archives: June 2014

Mistakes and Where to Go Next

I’ve been thinking about mistakes a lot lately.  I find them fascinating when characters in film and television make them.  Perhaps not so fascinating in real life. It’s interesting how we perceive mistakes whether it’s in the moment or afterwards.  Sometimes it’s even before it happens because we know we have a decision to make, […]

Podcasts I’m digging

So here’s what I’ve enjoyed this week in the podcast realm.  Some old, some new.  Let’s hit it with the new!   It’s unfortunate we have to have a separate podcast just for women, but at the same time I’m glad we do.  In the current episode Elly Pyle, editor of Daredevil, interviews Chris Samnee […]

Goodbye, you crazy actor!

Eli Wallach passed away yesterday from being too awesome to remain on this planet.  He was 98 at the time of his passing so we can’ t say he didn’t try.  Wallach littered film and television with more than a hundred characters over the course of a 61 year career.  He was one of the […]

Robert Altman Project #1: The Delinquents (1957)

So my Robert Altman love fest has begun. Once a week I’m hoping to watch a Robert Altman movie. My plan is to watch these in chronological order if I can get my hands on a copy. Tonight’s flick was The Delinquents from 1957. Based on the cover line of: The “Babyfaces” have just taken […]

Help Out My Cousin and His Awesome Project

Help young members of the military who struggle with depression through acoustic performances and intimate interviews from their favorite bands.

Anxiety in the Digital Age

For the last year I’ve been struggling with panic attacks. They were very severe at first. They could last for a few hours. It wasn’t pretty. The first time I thought I was having a heart attack, which is common in the middle of an “episode.” But I slowly got a grasp on it. Breathing […]

Doctor Davison, My Timelord

So, my favorite Doctor is Peter Davison. I remember PBS playing a mixture of he and Tom Baker in the mid 80’s, but I tended towards Davison. Might be cause “he’s that bloke who kept care of the animals” or perhaps I just didn’t have a love of long-lengthed knitted items, and chompy teeth. It […]

Growth and Change

When I was a kid I had a stool. A little red stool. A stool like this. The stool was mine, and I did use it all the time. It was a children’s thing, very small. Not something big enough to carry into adulthood and expect to be able to rely on it. I’ve thought […]

Console wars : Sega, Nintendo, and the battle that defined a generation

If you love video games, you have to read this book. I had a lot of fun and learned a butt-ton. Like, did you know that the origins of Playstation started as a cd-rom project between Sony and Nintendo for the Superfamicom system. They later tried to work with Sega in the same capacity. In […]